Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catching up...

Well, June and the first part of July have been I have been a really bad blogger!!!

We have had stuff going on every weekend for about 5 weeks!
1st week of June: Mom and I finished our 10 week program for Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping, I ended up losing just over 7 inches! Yippee!!

June 6th- Took a trip back to GI for Adam Hahn's and Danny Seim's 30th Birthday party. Lots of drinking but a good time had by all!

June 7th - Left GI and went to Lincoln where my Aunt Gail and Aunt Vicki were visting from out of state.

June 14th- Cousin Jessica's wedding. The kids had a blast (as did we) Lots of dancing and being with family!

June 15th-Breakfast after the wedding, but then the boys left to go to Grandma's until the 29th, and Taryn went to my sisters for 3 days, so for the first time in a very looong time Dave and I had a couple days to ourselves! We treated ourselves to a movie (The Hangover-very funny!)
June 22nd- Garage Sale at mom's house, we hung out and helped her run the sale and then all went out to dinner!

June 28th- Had our good friends Doug and Jenn out for a BBQ and we stayed up way to late playing Rock Band and drinking beer!

July 3rd- Over to Doug and Jenns for another BBQ and fireworks!

July 4th- Went to my moms for more BBQ and fireworks! (I love the 4th of July!!!!)

July 5th- Moeller Family Reunion at Mahoney State Park. Saw a lot of family that I have not seen for 15-20 years and a lot of family that I didn't even know I had! The kids latched onto Uncle David and he was able to entertain them for several hours! Yeah for little brothers!!!

Whew!!! That's it so far, except for in the midst of all this craziness we did get approved to build a new (and much bigger) house so we have decided to put our house up for sale. Trying to get that ready has been a chore within itself!! More later!

Our new house