Thursday, May 26, 2011


I am always proud of my children, everyday, but at the end of this school year, I'm going to recognize my Alex. He managed to rack up 5 awards for their end of the school year! He got perfect attendence, participant in Battle of the Books, high Recorder unit scores, A Presidential Academic Achievement award, and the Good Citizenship Award for his 5th grade class. Alex is a sweet, sensitive and caring boy who is going to grow up into a wonderful man someday. He has such a big heart, is so willing to care for others, and has no fear when it comes to people who are different from him. Congrats Alex, you made your family very proud today!!


Chris said...

Way to go Alex! Way to go Mom for recognizing what a great "boy" your Alex is!!!! :)

Amy said...

Good job Alex!!! You really are a special young man! And your have some of the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.

Rachael C said...

Yay ALex!!