Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Being Sick.....

I feel like I should put a big quartine sign outside my house. It all started with Andrew, who was sick Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday. Yesterday, Taryn woke up at 6 am with a fever. My baby, who has NEVER been sick is looking at me like she did something wrong. Dave takes the boys to school only to get a call at 9am that Ethan needs to be picked since he is running a fever and then they call again at 1:30pm that Alex needs to be picked up too! Dave spent more time running back and forth to the school yesterday than he did at home! By the time I got home from work yesterday everyone was laying around like slugs. So I grabbed a can of Lysol and a paper towel and started cleaning. They started to feel a little better (except Taryn) last night. They are all still home today and Dave informs me that he is not feeling so hot either! Guess I know what I am doing tonight too! (Pretty sure it involves Lysol!) :)

I hope no one else's family is sick!


Rachael C said...

Ok, I thought your best birthday was when we got the Limo the "Big 1" and the night ended with you wearing leopard print PJ's????

Davis said...

Of course it's the 20th of Feb, now and little miss "No Immune System" isn't feeling well. We'll do what we can.....